Feedback and press reviews from screenings of the documentary.
Injustice premiered in London in November 2017 and and subsequently across the UK. Each screening stimulated debates about prison, crime and prisoners. You can read about how Injustice was received, press coverage and audience feedback through the links below.

Articles about Injustice
Read The British Society of Criminology’s review here, by Professor Peter Squires.
Read “Prisons are the Crisis“, by the director
Read “our” Tommy’s account of his cellmate in Vice magazine here.
Read the Director’s contribution to Sputnick article on the prison crisis here.
Read Hardeep Matharu’s interview with Unsound Robin about Injustice for Byline Media.
Read a review of the screening at the University of Oxford, by Feleena Mason here.
Read the Director, Lee Salter, on Rehabilitation, dehumanisation and in discussion with ex-prisoner Michael Irwin.
Audience Feedback
“This is an astonishing piece of work…. the choice of cast gives a panorama of points of view focusing on factual and real situation of prison today. By including historical context and clever use of quotations (it) also shows that prisons have never really worked in the way people feel they do. Your documentary deserves a wide audience because it is not only a social statement it is also a educational tool. Well done.” Faith Spear, former Prison Inspector
“What a brilliant film, I was very moved and felt a lot of anger, frustration hurt, sadness. It is without doubt the best film I’ve seen around prison. It’s so so real, honest piece of film making.” Tom King, ex-prison and psychophonetics counsellor
“A very powerful documentary. Don’t miss it, it will really open your eyes. 5/5” Michael O’Brien author of Prisons Exposed
“In contrast to a much-held societal belief that “prison works”, this film evidences how prisons succeed only in making already vulnerable members of our communities more brutalised and damaged. Through a series of insightful and honest interviews with those closest to the system, the film provides a truth that contrasts with usual media stereotypes of life in prison and holds to account any notion that sharp, shock approaches work in bringing about long-term behaviour change, especially in young people. Injustice ultimately places a responsibility on us all to ask what really happens behind prison walls and to question whether the attitude of “out of sight, out of mind” is good enough.” Joanna Foster, Fabtic
“an extremely powerful film, tackling the fact that our prison system isn’t fit for purpose in a clear and unemotional way. I very much hope that it gets the audiences which it hugely deserves.” Emma Wilson, Charity Trustee and Lawyer
“‘Injustice’ is a powerful and insightful documentary which not only sheds light on the horrific and inhumane conditions prisoners in Britain are facing, but why this is happening. The film will completely change your ideas about prison.” Mary Baines, Russia Today
“I feel ashamed.” Lawyer at the premiere
“unsurprising but mostly honest, well intentioned and most importantly thought provoking for the brainwashed.” Ben Sturge, former prisoner and entrepreneur
“Injustice documentary is a brave and raw piece of film making which addresses the ugly, unpalatable and undeniable truth about the catastrophic state of our prisons.” Jo Lear, The Criminology Collective
“an emotionally charged and incredibly insightful journey… both revealing and shocking.” Feleena Mason, University of Oxford
“A film that all the British public should see if they are to understand what our prisons system currently is.” Marcus and Karolina, Prisoners families