The inner rage The message from the criminologist who knows my case was reassuring. I like him a lot. He told me he admires my restraint, how… Read more “The rage of convicts and breaking the cycle of anger”
Author: Unsound Robin
Want fewer people in prison? Give (ex) convicts a chance! – by Daniel Morriss
It is almost widely accepted that the UK’s prisons are in a state of crisis. Deaths in custody are at levels completely unjustifiable. Violence – either between… Read more “Want fewer people in prison? Give (ex) convicts a chance! – by Daniel Morriss”
Our System of Injustice – by Charlotte May Henry
Ever heard of Joint Enterprise? Neither had we… I used to say that the 12th March 2014 was the worst day of my life. It was 4pm… Read more “Our System of Injustice – by Charlotte May Henry”